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Domenica 13 Ottobre 2024

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13. October 2024, 15:47
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                Con il patrocinio di




1 Pooley Emma TSW   in   3:11:12
2 De Goede Suzanne NUR  a  1' 7''
3 Ziliute Diana SAF
4 Oki Miho MSI
5 Wood Oenone TMP
6 Martisova Julia GAU
7 Johansson Emma AAD
8 Bastianelli Marta SAF
9 Graham Lorian VVP
10 Worrack Trixi NUR 11 Brandli Nicole BCT
12 Kiesanowski Joanne RLT
13 Polikeviciute Jolanta USC
14 Cantele Noemi BCT
15 Bruins Regina NED
16 Powers Alison USA
17 Pucinskaite Edita NUR
18 Doppmann Priska RLT
19 Goor Sofie LBL
20 Cooke Nicole HBH
21 Armstrong Kristin RLT
22 Neben Amber FLX
23 Van Rie An VVP
24 Arndt Judith TMP  a  1' 12''
25 Valen De Vries Anita FLX  a  1' 38''
26 Wild Kirsten AAD
27 Kozonchuk Oxana MSI
28 Guderzo Tatiana GAU
29 Touffet Elodie GAU
30 C.H.J. Beltman Chantal TMP
31 Rasmussen Dorte Lohse DGC
32 Van Den Broek Irene AAD
33 Verbeke Grace LBL
34 Luperini Fabiana MSI
35 D'Ettorre Alessandra TOG a  2' 14''
36 Duster Sarah RLT
37 Treier Grete GAU   a  2' 19''
38 Bras Martine VVP
39 Bosman Andrea DSB
40 Rickards Emma RLT
41 Van Vleuten Annemiek VVP
42 Vila Josana Andreu Marta DGC
43 Hare Catherine HBH
44 De Vocht Liesbeth VVP
45 Baccaille Monia FEN
46 Andruk Alona USC
47 Aune Karin UNG
48 Franges Lauren USA
49 Graus Andrea BCT
50 Murillo elkano Iosune BPD
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