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Seppur con i dovuti scongiuri le previsioni meteo per il fine settimana sono piuttosto rassicuranti. Con ogni probabilità, infatti, domenica 30 marzo in Valcuvia sarà bel tempo e quindi al traguardo di Cittiglio, così come alla partenza di Laveno Mombello e lungo il percorso, gli organizzatori si aspettano la pacifica invasione di migliaia di appassionati per l’appuntamento clou della prima parte della stagione agonistica femminile in Italia; il trofeo Alfredo Binda, seconda prova di Coppa del Mondo che vedrà al via, con la sola eccezione di Marianne Vos attualmente in pausa agonistica, tutte le migliori atlete al mondo. Il bel tempo favorirà così le riprese televisive che consentiranno a tanti appassionati e tifosi di vedere le immagini di una competizione come sempre avvincente e dal risultato finale qualche volta sorprendente. La Rai ha affidato le riprese televisive a Francesca Portinari mentre il commento giornalistico sarà curato da Piergiorgio Severini e Gigi Sgarbozza. Le immagini della gara saranno trasmesse in differita su Rai Sport 2 domenica 30 marzo con inizio alle ore 21.00. Il palinsesto tv si compone anche della piattaforma gestita da Photospeed Video Service di Angelo Gaudenzi che, nel corso della prossima settimana, realizzerà servizi personalizzati per le trasmissioni Sportissimo, Solo Bici e Sport&Sport. Inoltre, appena terminata la gara, il service inglese specializzato VSquared, realizzerà un filmato per il sito internet UCI contenente le immagini più significative della gara. Insomma, nel giro di poche ore su tutte le piattaforme televisive saranno disponibili le immagini della Coppa del Mondo. Anche via radio sarà possibile avere notizie sul trofeo Binda, in particolare grazie a Radio Due Laghi ma soprattutto grazie a Radio Number One, la radio ufficiale della gara, organizzata dalla Cycling Sport Promotion presieduta da Mario Minervino. Istantanee e notizie in tempo reale saranno diffuse tramite la pagina dedicata sul social Facebook e sull’account Twitter @TrofeoBinda piattaforma su cui è disponibile l’hashtag #TrBinda per le notizie in diretta, quasi minuto per minuto. Servizi speciali e molto apprezzati sono pubblicati ogni giorno sul sito specializzato www.pedalerosa.it di Flaviano Ossola, così come sul sito istituzionale www.trofeobinda.com. Intanto già stasera in TV si parlerà di Coppa del Mondo: Mario Minervino ed Elisa Longo Borghini, splendida vincitrice lo scorso anno del trofeo Binda, saranno ospiti di Piergiorgio Severini nello studio di Radiocorsa, in onda in pesa diretta su Raisport 2 dalle ore 19.30.

Il trofeo Binda in TV:

RaiSport 2: domenica 30 marzo dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 22.00

Tele Milano - Tele TV (Canale 12)

Solo Bici: giovedì ore 19.50 e in replica venerdì ore 21.30

Sport and Sport: venerdì ore 19.50 e in replica sabato ore 21.30

In streaming su: pctelevision.it

R55 (Canale 669)

Sportissimo giovedì ore 21.00 ed in replica sabato ore 22.00

In streaming su: tvdream.net

Tele Milano - Più Blu Lombardia (Canale 97)

Solo Bici: giovedì ore 20.15 in replica venerdì ore 19.0 e lunedì ore 13.30

Sport and Sport:  sabato ore 20.15 e in replica domenica ore 21.00 e martedì ore 13.00

Canale 2 (digitale 282)

Sportissimo: venerdì ore 20.00

TeleMilano City (Canale 288)

Solo Bici: giovedì ore 21.30 e in replica sabato ore 22.30

Sport and Sport: venerdì ore 21.30 e in replica domenica ore 22.30



Twenty three foreign athletes are registered to participate in the “Trofeo Da Moreno – Memorial Ersilio Ferrario” which will precede the Trofeo Binda, second UCI World Cup trial, on Sunday 30 March. The junior race, or "Little World Cup" as it has come to be known, thanks to the participation of many qualified athletes, will start in Laveno Mombello (Varese) at 09:30 and finish in Cittiglio, after a 62km race. Noteworthy participants are: world champion Amalie Dideriksen and European champion Greta Richioud, national teams from France, Lithuania, Slovakia and representatives from Germany. They will be accompanied by all the best Italian athletes, with a total of 125 cyclists competing. A record: “We are delighted to repeat the junior women's Trofeo Da Moreno - Memorial Ersilio Ferrario, a tasty appetizer to the Trofeo Binda – declared Mario Minervino, president of Cycling Sport Promotion -. In this edition, we have worked to create a highly technical race, with excellent results: the participation of all the Italian athletes and four foreign teams, including the world and European champions. Now we just have to wait until Sunday for a great "sporting battle" on the roads of the Valcuvia region. The winner can dream of one day becoming the winner of the World Cup. Enjoy the show!"

SUNDAY 30th MARCH 2014

7:15-8:15 Team licence check and distribution of identification numbers

8:30 Team managers' meeting

8:45-9:20 Teams presentation and start sheet signature

9:30 Start race

11:15 Finish race    




Just in the next few hours, the organizers will begin to register the first arrivals of the teams competing on Sunday in the 16th Alfredo Binda  Trophy or in the Junior World Cup race for junior women cyclists. The turnout in Valcuvia and in the province of Varese is one of the many important aspects characterizing  this end of March event, not only from a sport point of view. This year 125 athletes will be entering the junior race and 142 will be taking part in the elite race . Furthermore technicians, managers and team massage therapists from all over the world must be added. Besides the accredited journalists from Italy, journalists, photographers and TV cameramen from Holland, USA, Great Britain , Switzerland and Belgium will arrive in the area. This year Cittiglio will also host the Chinese delegation from the Choming Tour , scheduled for May 18. Then there are sports managers and guests from Italy . A delegation will come from Tuscany, thanks to the good relationship established by Mario Minervino during the World Championships of Florence. Then cycling experts and many fans will also be welcome. The Cycling Sport Promotion has forecast an extra attendance of one thousand people on the territory : "We found out that 14 facilities including hotels, holiday farms and B & B will be involved in the World Cup - said Mario Minervino - a very positive sign for the passion and the interest that the event brings to the cycling fans. Such an important inflow at this time of the year is very significant for the economy of the entire area." The international cycling offers other important opportunities, this year the organization Bike Hotel has organized a weekend for fans  and cyclists with a special guide , Claudio Chiappucci who will accompany  a  group of cycle tourists for two days to discover  Valcuvia and the Province of Varese.




Lizzie Armitstead from team Boels - Dolmans won yesterday the “la Ronde van Drenthe” race, the first stage of the Women UCI World Cup 2014 circuit. The British rider beat Anna Van der Breggen from Rabobank in the final sprint while the American Shelley Olds from team Ale’ - Cipollini won the group sprint 29 seconds later. First of the Italians Elisa Longo Borghini from the team Hitec Products, who qualified 16th and among the favourites of the Binda Trophy, together with Giorgia Bronzini from team Wiggle Honda, qualified just after. Armitstead had already won on the previous Sunday the Omloop Van Het Hageland race in Belgium. The Ronde van Drenthe race took place along 146,6 km, in the north of the Netherlands, an itinerary full of cobbles, a race affected by the wind and a 56m man made hill to climb. The wind was the major actor of the race especially when team Rabobank was working hard to eliminate people. At some point Armitstead, together with some other riders, was chasing a few athletes who broke away, but were then pulled back thanks also to the hard work of the World Time Trial Champion Ellen van Dijk .Lizzie Armitstead then finally attacked on the last climb with Anna Van der Breggen, silver medallist in the London 2012 Olympic Games. The British athlete then won the sprint between the two. For Armitstead 25 years old this is the first win on the world Cup Circuit. The next UCI challenge will now be in Valcuvia, on Sunday 30th March with the Binda Trophy. Four medals will be assigned; Leader – Youngsters – Queen of the Mountain - SPRINT.

Young people are at the top of my mind

"In the last few days I have been asked two things: the first one is, "What the weather will be like on Sunday 30th March?" I’d rather not answer, the second one is, "What have you planned for that day?" On the 30th March you will not only witness two amazing cycling races, alongside the event there will be lots more initiatives between Cittiglio and Laveno Mobello. In the next few days the program will be revealed. We are ready for the World Cup in Cittiglio. This event has involved during the first few months of the year primary schools, local authorities, products promotion and tourism and it has given greater visibility to the natural attractions of the Province of Varese. On Saturday and Sunday the children will be playing a main role. We need to make sure that the youngsters get involved. If we want to build  a great future, they are the future, they will be the future cyclists, cycling enthusiasts and organizers. I also want to give great credit to my staff for making all of  this possible. We are an extraordinary and fantastic group kept together by a very powerful relationship. A big thank you to the authorities and the sponsors that actively and closely support us every year."

Mario Minervino

Marianne Vos and Cittiglio; next date in 2015

Marianne Vos holds Cittiglio in her heart! Despite the fact that she will not participate in this year's Trofeo Binda, the cannibal of modern female cycling talked to us about her strong link to the province of Varese to the race organised by Mario Minervino's Cycling Sport Promotion “After a season where I gave 110%, this year the Trofeo Alfredo Binda will, unfortunately, not be on my calendar. It was not an easy choice to make as I consider the Cittiglio race one of the best in the world. However, I will definitely be back again, probably next year, when I hope to reach the podium for the fourth time”. The extraordinary Dutch athlete, winner of 10 world titles, between road and cyclo-cross, as well as the London Olympics, 2012, had some of the greatest successes of her career in Varese: “I liked the Trofeo Binda from the first time I took part in it, because it passes through a beautiful part of the north of Italy and the race route is both spectacular and challenging. The organisers, Cycling Sport Promotion are ahead of their time with regard to safety, they are sensitive to environmental issues, which can be seen from their participation in the Uci Recycling project. Considering my three wins, I can only have excellent memories of the Trofeo Binda, a race that has always been close to my heart”. The leader of Rabo Liv Woman Team will have her first race of the season in Belgium in mid-April, before coming to Italy for the GiroRosa. “I will start my season on the road, probably in the second half of April at the Freccia Vallone. My main aim is to win the Ponferrada World Championships, even though I will try to do my best in every race in which I participate. I would like to perform well in the female Giro d’Italia, although the competition will be tough, as always." To finish, a comment on the future of female cycling: “Following years of requests which fell on deaf ears, several organisers of mens' races are finally becoming interested in us. This year we will have the privilege of racing in Paris before the finish of the Tour and, in 2015, the Vuelta is proposing an initiative which will involve us. Therefore, I am confident; in the next few years, our races will reach another level, maybe even inspired by the work that has been done in Cittiglio, with the Trofeo Alfredo Binda over the last few seasons”.

Download the Garmin and Google Earth guides straight away!

There are two new opportunities for those interested in cycling the roads of the Trofeo Binda, keeping an eye on a 'handlebar computer' or following the route previously studied on a home PC. The organisers of the World Cup, scheduled for Sunday, 30 March, have developed two important guides, a GPS guide for GARMIN and a GOOGLE EARTH version. Two guides which are highly appreciated by athletes, technicians and coaches, just as they will be by the cycling fans who will take to the roads of the Valcuvia to train over the next days and weeks. The Trofeo Binda, the only Italian stage of the Women's World Cup, will take place on a 123 km route, starting from Laveno Mombello (Varese) and finishing in Cittiglio (Varese). The junior race, or "Little World Cup", will follow a route of 62 km. All the other relevant information on both races can be found on the official website: www.trofeobinda.com. Meanwhile, here's the video, produced by Angelo Gaudenzi. showing the official presentation of the two competitions which took place on 22 February last: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwWdgjrBjTM. Please also visit the site www.pedalerosa.it, which Flaviano Ossola is busy updating in the run up to the Trofeo Binda.



There are two new opportunities for those interested in cycling the roads of the Trofeo Binda, keeping an eye on a 'handlebar computer' or following the route previously studied on a home PC. The organisers of the World Cup, scheduled for Sunday, 30 March, have developed two important guides, a GPS guide for GARMIN and a GOOGLE EARTH version. Two guides which are highly appreciated by athletes, technicians and coaches, just as they will be by the cycling fans who will take to the roads of the Valcuvia to train over the next days and weeks. The Trofeo Binda, the only Italian stage of the Women's World Cup, will take place on a 123 km route, starting from Laveno Mombello (Varese) and finishing in Cittiglio (Varese). The junior race, or "Little World Cup", will follow a route of 62 km. All the other relevant information on both races can be found on the official website: www.trofeobinda.com. Meanwhile, here's the video, produced by Angelo Gaudenzi. showing the official presentation of the two competitions which took place on 22 February last: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwWdgjrBjTM. Please also visit the site www.pedalerosa.it, which Flaviano Ossola is busy updating in the run up to the Trofeo Binda.






Le atlete, i tecnici, i direttori sportivi e tutti gli appassionati di ciclismo possono visionare centimetro per centimetro il percorso dell'edizione 2014 del “Trofeo Alfredo Binda”. Tramite i link qui sotto, e anche nella sezione del sito 'Percorso Trofeo Binda 2014', è possibile scaricare il tracciato di gara nella versione GPS per GARMIN e nella versione GOOGLE EARTH.





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